Wednesday, 19 August 2015


My second blog post is about Harlequin.
Which is the blanket I decided to make to see how quickly I could make a blanket.
The blanket took me 3 weeks to make from a pile of skeins to published pattern ...phew...
I have already blogged about the first week of Harlequin, so here are week's 2 and 3.

Week 2
I spent the whole week crocheting like a mad woman and being good and sewing in my ends as I went :-)
I finished making the blanket on Thursday (or it may have been Wednesday)



And week 3
I wrote the pattern, took the photo's and published the pattern yesterday :-)
You can find it on Ravelry HERE
And on Etsy HERE


  1. they are absolutely beautiful I love the colours. what a lot of work.

  2. Super woman crocheting skills and a great blanket :-)
