So I haven't been around much due to the fact that its difficult to get a signal for more than an hour at a time.
I'd like to say things will improve when we get superfast broadband, however our lovely Tory MP who doesn't live on the moor and spends most of his time in London stated that connecting Lynton wasn't worth the money, so we're stuck with stone age bandwidth....sigh.....
Anyway between bouts of severe internet frustration I have been working away on my Foxgloves blankets, there will be 3 in total, all published together in a e-booklet. Its going to be a totally new format as the main focus of the book is colour rather than crochet. I'm aiming to inspire you and give you the confidence to experiment with your own colour schemes, plus there will be a blank layout that you can print out and colour in for yourselves.
Here's a few photo's of 1 and 2 to whet your appetite :-)
Sadly I can't post a photo of number 3 as Dropbox is taking days to sync anything.
I have managed to list my new book on Etsy as a pre-order, I can only ship to the UK, but there is a US version that you can order via US Amazon.
Plus its going to be published in France by a French Publisher.
You can find the Etsy listing HERE
Here is the first glimpse of 2 of the book blankets, the full blankets won't be revealed until the book is published :-)
Knot Garden
Hopefully I will be able to post a little bit more in a week or so, just as long as the internet allows me.
Love and Happy Crocheting