
Tuesday, 15 December 2015

YAY!!! YAY!!! - The final end

YAY!!!! YAY!!!!!

I've finally finished writing my book.
Its taken me 27 months in total and I have been through an emotional hell and back again just to get it finished by the deadline.
I closed NDS, I worked 7 day's a week for the past 6 months and spent the whole of the last 2 hot sunny summer's under a blanket on my sofa sewing in ends.
You would not believe how happy and relieved I am, I wrote the final words yesterday and haven't stopped happy dancing yet :-)
I'm really proud of what I have achieved and its now in the hands of my publishers to turn it into something amazing and beautiful :-)
Its called "Rainbow Crocheted Blankets" and will hopefully be launched at the Yarndale show next September.

I want you to celebrate with me so I have just started my second Ravelry special pattern discount code.
Its a "Buy one get one free offer" Just add 2 of my crochet patterns to your Ravelry shopping cart, add the code and you will get one for free :-)
The offer runs from now until Christmas Day and the code is.... Thefinalend
You can find my Ravelry pattern store HERE

And look I've even had the time to make lots of pretty promotional photo's to add to Instagram :-)
(And linked all the photo's to their individual pattern pages in the store)

Love Amanda - off to do some more happy dancing :-)

Friday, 11 December 2015

Celebration discount & Stargazer wip

Good morning from a gloomy grey Exmoor

Which might not sound like a good morning, but yesterday I finished writing all the crochet patterns for my book - YAY!!
Two years work is nearly finished, just the writing to do, its all in my head and lots and lots of notes, so all being well I will finish the whole book by my deadline next week :-)
As a celebration, plus its Christmas I've decided to run a couple of discounts for the patterns in my Ravelry shop, the first one is live now and the second will start next week.

The first one is a special offer discount code for my RAVELRY SHOP for all four of my self published patterns that I have published during 2015.
You will be able to buy them all together at the special price of £10 (normal price £14.50).
You will need to put all four patterns in your shopping cart and use the following code at the checkout

The patterns are as follows....

And while I'm here I thought I'd share my latest wip photo's.
I like to document my wip's, as it helps me remember when and how I made them, it also helps safeguard against copying, (I know that sounds a bit extreme, but sadly it happens far too often)

So here is Stargazer - the follow up to my Zodiac blanket, there will be lots more about it when I have finished and published the pattern.

I started in November just after Zodiac was published.

I had a false start, sadly the beautiful dark sea green silk was too speckled and made the blanket look dirty, so I frogged the whole thing just after the second photo and started all over again.

The photo's above are my progress over the past few weeks.

And this is what it looks like this morning, I have finished the constellations and about to start work on the border :-)

Have a lovely weekend
Happy crocheting
love Amanda