
Thursday, 30 January 2014

Kaleidoscope Part 1 - January 2014

January's Kaleidoscope was sent out about 2 week's ago.
I was very anxious and excited, I hoped the member's would like it and hoped it was going to live up to all the hype.
But I needn't have worried, its seems like everyone was/is happy.
So I thought I would write this post to show you what my Kaleidoscope Ravelry girls have been up to.

Firstly there are a couple of blog posts to read.

Valerie's - Agrarian Artisan

And Sarah's - Knit along with me

And the project photo's posted on Ravelry.
I had intended to only post a couple, but I don't know how to choose between them, so I've posted everyone who answered my call for photo's.
I think you agree they are all brilliant and I love the way you can see the blanket building.
A big "Thank You" to all for letting me use your photo's.
Incidentally all the names are linked to each relevant Ravelry project, so you can go and read how everyone is getting on.


Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Secret exciting project

I have just signed away my life for the next 2 years.
I am going to be working on a top secret project, that hopefully won't be secret for too long.
And I will share the news as soon as I get permission.

I'm so excited and can't wait to get started, at the moment I'm doing lots of research.
Its really distracting and I'm struggling to concentrate on anything else.
So please forgive me if I seem a bit absent, I'm still here, its just I am manically working away in the background.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Kaleidoscope Club Packages & Weather

The latest news on the Kaleidoscope club is that I've finished January's pattern installment and we've dyed, dried and wound the first batch of yarn.
Its now sitting patiently in the office waiting to be packed and posted.

All the skeins have been re-wound into smaller skeins and it works out that there will be 1 or 2 skeins per member.

Over Christmas and New Year we had lots and lots of new members sign up and so we've had to dye more.

So poor Phil is winding like a maniac.
One of the issues we have with the new colours is that they are darker than the first batch, it doesn't really matter too much as I have used lots of odds and ends, which means there are  lots of different dye lots in my blanket.
So we are going to try and muddle them all up so everyone has a unique combination of colours and will end up with a unique blanket.
Our current plan is to buy a bit of time and to post all the international packages first, which should mean all the members get their yarn around the same time.
I have my fingers crossed that the post to Australia and South Africa is super quick.

Changing the subject completely.
We have had a lot of storms over the past few weeks, living on the coast has been dramatic, especially for Lynmouth at the bottom of the hill.
These photo's were taken on Monday (6/1/2014)

Looking east to Countisbury with the Rhenish tower in the foreground.

Looking west towards the Valley of Rocks with an idiot in a car in the distance.

The above 2 photo's are of the harbour wall, the still water in the foreground is the road as you can see in the photo below.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

A very brief Supernova post

I've just had a pattern published in Inside Crochet Magazine (issue 49)

Its a blanket called Supernova.

"We live on Exmoor which is a international dark sky reserve, so up on the moor on a moonless night, you can feel surrounded by stars and can see for ever into galaxy. 
The orange centre is epi-centre of the explosion that gives birth to stars, the further away from the epi-centre you get, the darker the background."
The photo's are a bit rubbish as they are photo's of the wip, I'll photograph it properly just as soon as we get some sunshine.